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Monday, July 10, 2006

How To Stop Making Marketing Mistakes!

EXACTLY Why Most Internet Marketers Fail And How You Can Be Different

If you haven't already, I wanted to encourage
you to download and read a free PDF by my friend
Rich Schefren. It's called Internet Business Manifesto.

For nearly 10 years I've been studying why some
people do extremely well at Internet marketing, while
the majority never achieve major success. I've
coached a few people teaching them my system... and
why it works. However, I'm fairly selective in who
I accept as coaching clients... requiring them to
fill out a fairly detailed questionnaire/application

Like any smart marketer and coach, I also study those
doing better than I am. That's why Rich and his work
came to my attention!

Rich explains with incredible clarity exactly what
99.99% of Internet marketers are doing wrong in their
businesses. He shows (with words and diagrams) why so
many are locked into failure.

If you haven't already, download, print out, and
then read this fantastic PDF today. It's only 31
pages, so read the whole thing today. Then read it
again tomorrow.

I'm convince that this simple PDF will change many
lives. After you read it, you'll thank me.

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