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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

To Blog Or Not To Blog

Ahhh yes that is the question!?. If your newbie to the whole thing and not sure if adding a blog will help, then consider these 2 factors :-

1) Think about the times you felt that someone would be better off not saying anything.

2) Don't say those types of things on your blog.

My thoughts on this matter is that your website can't live without a blog. It is a free and highly effective way to market your business - it's one of the top ways to market your business. It's even more effective when it not only includes valuable content and information but your own personal opinions and experiences and reviews of products or services. You want traffic to your site, so you invite comments and conversation after you've written what you want. A blog isn't just personal experiences and opinions - it can be, but you can add your own articles to your blog, or other people's articles all about your business or related topics. Big traffic generator. It can also be a money maker for you if you add Adsense to it. I can't think of any cons, unless it's just a spam blog.

john s


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