moneytreeprofits - make money online

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


With all the new talk of web 2.0 there is some really good way for you to get massive traffic if you are smart about it.

Web 2.0 is changing the way lots of people do business. Myspace and resources like THIS ONE
are making it possibe for businesses not matter how big and how small to generate alot of traffic
and make lots of sales with minimal work. But what I have noticed is that squidoo is fast becoming a popular and easy resource for all this.

I have a marketing friend who rang me last night and said he was showing up in the first page of google for a specific keyword. What did it cost him? NOTHING! just a free account with squidoo that is keyworded targeted to the niche he is selling in. Here are some of the reasons alot of people are using squidoo and getting results fast:

_ Squidoo is very easy to use.

- it gets indexed QUICKLY, infact google loves it.

- its a free source that allows affiliate links

- a resources to generate incom

- can quickly generate traffic to your website or blog

Now I agree that this is not the be all and end all. Heck you should be using many other techniques to get traffic to your site, and this could only be a fad and last a short while but you should make use of it while it is hot.

So I guess with all this in mind is are you SQUIDOOING!!?? Well if you aren't you better get cracking. It is a wise descision.

Cheers to you and your online profits.


John S

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