If you're not using e-mail marketing at the moment aspart of your business model, I want you to seriouslyconsider starting to use it.
E-mail marketing is one of the essential pillars youmust learn to master if you are serious about growingyour business over the coming months and years. And thelonger you leave it, the more money you are throwingout of the window for your competitors to grab instead.
I don't care whether your website generates revenuefrom selling products and services, or you are anaffiliate marketer, or you simply make money from clickrevenue using contextual advertising like GoogleAdsense etc.
Even if you think you are doing e-mail marketing rightI want you to pay attention, because I'm going to beshowing you how I use e-mail marketing to generate aneasy five figures a month from my websites.
Yes this stuff is actually a no-brainer, but you've gotto do it right, and simply slapping up any old type ofoptin form just doesn't cut it... certainly not thesedays as the internet matures into a formidablepowerhouse, and becomes more and more competitive...even in small niches!
The reason e-mail marketing is SO important is becauseit allows you to whether the storms of search enginetraffic fluctuations, and other unforeseen forces thatcan literally take out your website. And a website thatis "out of sight is out of mind" to your existing andpotential customers.
You might not realise this at the moment, while you'reenjoying good search engine positions or buying cheapclicks on the pay per click search engines, ad networksetc. But as sure as "eggs are eggs" you will atsometime experience a drop-off of traffic. Sometimes itmight only last a few days, sometimes it might just bea few weeks, and at other times you might inadvertentlyhave done something wrong that gets your websitebanned. Heaven forbid if that happens to you!
If you are solely relying on organic search enginetraffic, or cheap, low cost ways to advertise that maybe all well and good now. But what happens if a majorcompetitor moves into your market? It doesn't even haveto be a major competitor, it could simply be a lot ofother small-fry marketers realising that the nicheyou're in is something that they would like a piece ofthe action in.
Overnight you might wake up to discover you've got someserious competition, and believe me, sitting on yourlaurels is not something you should ever do when itcomes to marketing your business... that's a sure-firerecipe for suicide.
One of the foundation blocks of effectively growingyour business and out competing your competitors is tomaster the science of effective e-mail marketing.
Throughout the past ten years of marketing on theinternet (I have been making a *profit* online since1996), I can say with a fair bit of authority, that itis often the simple things that yield the most amountof money, and e-mail marketing has got to be one of theeasiest and cheapest ways to do it.
I am very much into developing simple systems thatrequire minimum cost and effort to set-up and maintain,while at the same time generate consistent, on-goingdaily profits. And I'm not talking nickels and dimes,I'm talking hundreds of thousands a year.